
A Call for Contributions

There’s nothing quite like Snape–ing the day away with fellow fans
to get those snarky juices flowing! As you may have noticed, we
here at Snapecast are still riding high on the energy and excitement
of all the Snapey events this summer. And it appears that we’re not
alone; many Snapefans are experiencing fresh bursts of inspiration
and creativity when it comes to our favourite Greasy Git.

Snapecast would like to invite our listeners to share some of that
inspiration by sending us a This Slytherin Life or Detention
Intervention segment. More than a year after the publication of
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, how do you feel about Snape?
What has changed? What hasn’t?

Need some examples? Here are the timestamps for a few segments from previous episodes:

Shannon’s This Slytherin Life: Episode 1, 50:07
Peg Kerr’s This Slytherin Life: Episode 13, 44:43
Chris’s This Slytherin Life: Episode 4, 54:09
Zille’s This Slytherin Life: Episode 10, 31:41
Rachael’s Detention Intervention: Episode 3, 32:45
Laura’s Detention Intervention: Episode 6, 56:32

For more information about content and formatting for This Slytherin
Life and Detention Intervention, please visit our Contribute page . Questions regarding the
recording of your segments may be sent directly to Snapecast’s
Minister of Mixing at becca @

We look forward to hearing your Snapey thoughts!