
This Slytherin Life

7 Days until Snapecast Episode 1"I was walking home from work the other day when I passed a man making a small child cry. I immediately thought of Snape and all the students he’s brought to tears over the years and I began to wonder: Are there any benefits to using humiliation as a form of classroom management

Let’s get introspective for a while. The next segment we’d like to highlight,This Slytherin Lifeissnapecast’s answer to This American Life , and takes the form of brief first–person testimonials, reflective essays, or journalistic non–fiction. In it, individuals share their personal stories and thoughts as they reflect on human nature and current issues as they relate to Snape. The tone may be gloomy, ironic, absurd, or even thought–provoking.

Audience contributions (from all houses, not just Slytherin) are welcomed. Stay tuned for more details about how you can contribute to this segment.